The picture is from the ultrasound we had on 5-20-09 at our doctor's office. She was concerned about the baby's size as I was measuring consistently "ahead" (in their magical doctor measurements where they use a measuring tape and measure the outside of your stomach) for like 3 appointments. Babygirl of course measured perfectly where she should be and coincidentally, I was measuring "behind" at that appointment. Figures...right?
Babygirl is always moving in the evenings after her brother's go to bed. Its apparently her time to show off and get attention. The boys are still VERY excited about her and they both sing and talk to her practically every day...sometimes to the point where I just ask them to leave her (and me) alone for 5 minutes.
We are working on getting everything together for her. The clothes have been washed (thanks, Papa!) and put away, the crib has been put together...but still more to do. I finally finished the quilt top for her room and it is on its way to one of my mom's friends to be quilted together. Can't wait for it to be done!

We are VERY excited about her arrival...which...should be no later than July 8th. I should have a better idea later today after my appointment about her scheduled c-section date. Last night, Mimi (my sister) called AT 11 PM to tell me that I needed to have a conversation with my daughter because of people being out of town...my mom is going to Honduras from June 26-30th and my sister will be at camp from June 28th-July 3rd. Yah...because babies are great at following plans...I'll get right on that!
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