Jackson quite possibly has had the most go on...I suppose that is how it gets when you get older. He finished up his first year of school...hard to believe that he is going to be in FIRST GRADE in just a few months. We really loved and appreciated his teachers Mrs. Fuson and Mrs. Erickson. They have amazing patience that I could only wish for. They taught him so much. Just a few weeks ago, I realized he could read. Now its not to say that we didnt pay attention to him, but he would pick out words he knew...then one day, I realized he was in his room reading out loud. Since then he has just been devouring the books. It is just truly awesome. (See picture picture below of him reading to Q and Oma--my grandma)

6 years ago...he was 5 lbs 6 oz and 19.5" long. Now at 6, he is 46.5 lbs and 45" tall. He is turning into quite the helper, he will take out the trash, do the laundry and help corral his brother. He is very excited for his sister and will tell anyone who will listen all about her. I can't wait to see how much he changes in the next year!
Thanks to everyone who came to his party (Grandma Paula, Aunt Mandy, Uncle Andy, Steven, Brooke, Momo, Papa, Mimi, Andy, Chrissie, Kenzie, Raegan, and Madison). You made his birthday VERY special!
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