This baby is apparently bound and determined to not only make me crazy but also make me rethink everything I say. For example at my appointment on Christmas Eve...we hear the heartbeat and its wonderful. I EVEN say to the doctor "at this point with both the boys I had a scare and spotted...but not this time"...5 days later-I regretted saying that when I see spotting.
I cry...I freak out...I yell no no no.
Of course...this baby is fine. Its perfect in fact. I got to see that sweet little crazy baby kicking away. Better yet...I feel that sweet little crazy baby kicking away. On a fairly regular basis...especially in the evenings.
But really can't this kid just be the EASY one for a little bit?
I guess not.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas was good....
Friday, December 19, 2008
I'm lame.
So, its 11:08 pm-I have been in my pj's for approximately 3 hours, I've had a nice long bath.
Yah...sounds great until you realize that its FRIDAY - the kids are off with the MIL for most of the weekend and instead of going to see a movie or going shopping, I opted to come home and eat to go dessert and watch old episodes of Alias. Don't get me wrong, I had a great dinner (Stir Crazy) and a yummy dessert (Lemoncello Cream Torte from Cheesecake Factory). But I felt the need to apologize today because I feel like sometimes my seemingly pregnancy induced near social anxiety keeps us from going out.
Back story. Way back when, I had never been in a car accident...not ever. So I was approximately 32 weeks pregnant with Jack and I was headed home from a day of shopping with my mom (I think...we must have been doing SOMETHING baby related at that point) cause I was coming from her house and heading home to meet my husband and to make dinner. I go home the same way I always did and while I was waiting to merge into traffic my (practically brand new) 2003 Dodge Neon was rear ended by a full-size Dodge conversion van. I held it together long enough to call 911 and my husband (I think he might have called my mom). Then I got out of the car only to yell at the man driving the van (ha-imagine seeing a gigantically pregnant woman get out of a car you just hit!). He told me to sit down. I believe I told him to shut up.
We were all fine. 5 weeks of modified bed rest later, we had Jackson....who was perfectly fine. So lets count that as Accident #1, April 30, 2003.
When Jackson was 13 months old, I was headed home from I'm guessing work or something and was rear ended (again waiting to merge into traffic)-again the Neon. We were all fine in the end-but still...Accident #2 - July 2004.
Then...get this...Accident #3 - April 20, 2005 (notice the date was 4-20). We went out to dinner as a family (so that's all 3 of us in the car and I was 20 weeks pregnant with Quinten) we get rear ended by some stoner and a friend of hers. Of course we are all fine but, Q was proving himself to be pain in the rear end even then by not making a single move from the time of the accident (8:30-9ish at night) until the next afternoon. He even hid from the doppler when we went to the ER.
Am I done yet?
Somehow I avoided 2006, but last September (2007), I was working and had to go get change from the bank for work. I had convinced another employee to go with me (I was nervous there had been an attempted robbery there the week before) so we were laughing about all the things that could happen. Give that we were 2 totally trustworthy people, if we had said that we were held at gunpoint and they took the money-they would believe us. Another scenario was getting into a car accident and all the money goes flying *everywhere*. Ha ha....
Until we are on our way back and are sitting in traffic and I look into my rear view mirror and can literally see the people behind me crashing (like it was all in slow mo) and I have the time to say "we are about to get hit". It was just a tiny little bump...I was lucky to have been the last car hit in a 5 car accident. But the neon....Accident #4.
So here I am at a juncture, I've had accident while pregnant, accident, accident while pregnant, obviously even my 5 year old could tell you the next logical step in this pattern.
I worry about everything when we get ready to go out. Will we get into another car accident? What if its not okay like it has been in the past? What if everything is fine but Quinn throws a temper tantrum and I have to turn into a crazy mean mom? What if, what if, what if?
Logically something tells me to just avoid driving in the neon...but thats sometimes impossible (I am mainly driving the jetta now for the record). Something else tells me to avoid driving it in the month of April (maybe even April 10th to be exact?). But sometimes logical just isnt it. I mean I checked there is no target on the back of my car---ummm unless you count the Nobama sticker which might ACTUALLY be a target now that I think about it. But I cant avoid life just because of what might happen.
Or can I?
Yah...sounds great until you realize that its FRIDAY - the kids are off with the MIL for most of the weekend and instead of going to see a movie or going shopping, I opted to come home and eat to go dessert and watch old episodes of Alias. Don't get me wrong, I had a great dinner (Stir Crazy) and a yummy dessert (Lemoncello Cream Torte from Cheesecake Factory). But I felt the need to apologize today because I feel like sometimes my seemingly pregnancy induced near social anxiety keeps us from going out.
Back story. Way back when, I had never been in a car accident...not ever. So I was approximately 32 weeks pregnant with Jack and I was headed home from a day of shopping with my mom (I think...we must have been doing SOMETHING baby related at that point) cause I was coming from her house and heading home to meet my husband and to make dinner. I go home the same way I always did and while I was waiting to merge into traffic my (practically brand new) 2003 Dodge Neon was rear ended by a full-size Dodge conversion van. I held it together long enough to call 911 and my husband (I think he might have called my mom). Then I got out of the car only to yell at the man driving the van (ha-imagine seeing a gigantically pregnant woman get out of a car you just hit!). He told me to sit down. I believe I told him to shut up.
We were all fine. 5 weeks of modified bed rest later, we had Jackson....who was perfectly fine. So lets count that as Accident #1, April 30, 2003.
When Jackson was 13 months old, I was headed home from I'm guessing work or something and was rear ended (again waiting to merge into traffic)-again the Neon. We were all fine in the end-but still...Accident #2 - July 2004.
Then...get this...Accident #3 - April 20, 2005 (notice the date was 4-20). We went out to dinner as a family (so that's all 3 of us in the car and I was 20 weeks pregnant with Quinten) we get rear ended by some stoner and a friend of hers. Of course we are all fine but, Q was proving himself to be pain in the rear end even then by not making a single move from the time of the accident (8:30-9ish at night) until the next afternoon. He even hid from the doppler when we went to the ER.
Am I done yet?
Somehow I avoided 2006, but last September (2007), I was working and had to go get change from the bank for work. I had convinced another employee to go with me (I was nervous there had been an attempted robbery there the week before) so we were laughing about all the things that could happen. Give that we were 2 totally trustworthy people, if we had said that we were held at gunpoint and they took the money-they would believe us. Another scenario was getting into a car accident and all the money goes flying *everywhere*. Ha ha....
Until we are on our way back and are sitting in traffic and I look into my rear view mirror and can literally see the people behind me crashing (like it was all in slow mo) and I have the time to say "we are about to get hit". It was just a tiny little bump...I was lucky to have been the last car hit in a 5 car accident. But the neon....Accident #4.
So here I am at a juncture, I've had accident while pregnant, accident, accident while pregnant, obviously even my 5 year old could tell you the next logical step in this pattern.
I worry about everything when we get ready to go out. Will we get into another car accident? What if its not okay like it has been in the past? What if everything is fine but Quinn throws a temper tantrum and I have to turn into a crazy mean mom? What if, what if, what if?
Logically something tells me to just avoid driving in the neon...but thats sometimes impossible (I am mainly driving the jetta now for the record). Something else tells me to avoid driving it in the month of April (maybe even April 10th to be exact?). But sometimes logical just isnt it. I mean I checked there is no target on the back of my car---ummm unless you count the Nobama sticker which might ACTUALLY be a target now that I think about it. But I cant avoid life just because of what might happen.
Or can I?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Your welcome....
My husband keeps "thanking" me for all of his lovely sympathy pregnancy symptoms. I mean what am I supposed to say? So I just say...your welcome.
I mean really am I inducing this on him? Am I forcing him to feel sciatic pain? (No) Am I the one making him fall asleep at 10 pm? (No)
However, this little alien in my stomach. I think (s)he is trying to kill me slowly from the inside out. I cant drink OR smell coffee. Do you know how much Starbucks I used to consume? Now I can barely stand for it to be in the car for more than a few minutes from the closest Starbucks home. I can't eat...and if I do...its probably cereal. I mean I love a good bowl of cereal...I've been known to sneak my bowl of Lucky Charms...but now I cant even eat that. What am I eating then? Raisin Bran or Special K fruit & yogurt. And I'd kill to not feel like crap every time I ate every beloved piece of candy or chocolate that I crave.
I'm like 10.5-ish weeks now...which since I'm looking knocked up is nice to tell people since they all just look like they just want to hug me when I say I'm only 10 weeks pregnant. I can just see it in their eyes...they are flashing ahead to months from now when I'm the size of my entire car (yes we are getting a new vehicle...we will have to...I wont be able to fit behind the wheel much longer!)
I now have to go. My battery is running low and for reasons I will explain later-I cant charge my laptop.
I will leave you with this picture...from 2 weeks ago.
I mean really am I inducing this on him? Am I forcing him to feel sciatic pain? (No) Am I the one making him fall asleep at 10 pm? (No)
However, this little alien in my stomach. I think (s)he is trying to kill me slowly from the inside out. I cant drink OR smell coffee. Do you know how much Starbucks I used to consume? Now I can barely stand for it to be in the car for more than a few minutes from the closest Starbucks home. I can't eat...and if I do...its probably cereal. I mean I love a good bowl of cereal...I've been known to sneak my bowl of Lucky Charms...but now I cant even eat that. What am I eating then? Raisin Bran or Special K fruit & yogurt. And I'd kill to not feel like crap every time I ate every beloved piece of candy or chocolate that I crave.
I'm like 10.5-ish weeks now...which since I'm looking knocked up is nice to tell people since they all just look like they just want to hug me when I say I'm only 10 weeks pregnant. I can just see it in their eyes...they are flashing ahead to months from now when I'm the size of my entire car (yes we are getting a new vehicle...we will have to...I wont be able to fit behind the wheel much longer!)
I now have to go. My battery is running low and for reasons I will explain later-I cant charge my laptop.
I will leave you with this picture...from 2 weeks ago.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Well not here...but over at GO CHECK IT OUT!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Baby Between Arrows
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Oh long neglected blog...
I have missed you, but everytime I think...I WILL BLOG TODAY...I decide to take a nap or knit or something.
Funny story.
Today at the store I asked Q if he needed anything from the grocery store, he thought for a moment and said "ummmm a campfire and marshmallows".
A new post will follow soon!
Funny story.
Today at the store I asked Q if he needed anything from the grocery store, he thought for a moment and said "ummmm a campfire and marshmallows".
A new post will follow soon!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
So just to update....
Good ole, Rob from TireBarn called me today (after I made DH call because they really did NOT want to talk to me). Turns out their supplier DID in fact receive my new rim today...but the box was crushed...hence the wheel was bent up...and I cant get it fixed YET AGAIN today.
They said tomorrow...for sure.
They said tomorrow...for sure.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Check out a place for you to NOT go....

Seriously, the Tire Barn in Camby, IN...WORTHLESS. Last week I realized something was wrong with my car...of course...I thought it was something simple...nope. Larry goes to drive away to see if he FIXED it...and I see the driver's side wheel wobbling like its about to fall off. So I go running after him screaming and we look to see that 2 of the 5 lugnuts are MISSING. I cry. The kids and I were in that car. We could have been hurt...someone else could have been hurt...if not worse.
So we call my mom who calls her AAA service to come help us. We start talking to the guy and he finds out where we got the last work done on that area... you guessed it...Tire Barn...he says that he knows others who had problem with that specific Tire Barn and we should take it there. So we tow it there. Find out that the other 3 lugnuts on the tire are compromised in some way or another and they have to replace the rim. They put it on a donut and promise us a new wheel (rim) on Friday. So on Friday...I call and they say they wont be able to get it then, but they will definitely have it on Monday. On Saturday we go and pick it up just to have in case we need it.
So, I call on doesnt look like they are going to receive it on Monday after all, but they will definitely have it on Tuesday. So Tuesday morning I call, and they say that they hadnt got it yet but that they would call me the second it came in. I gave up at a quarter till 3 and guessed it THEY DONT HAVE IT. Its on a UPS truck *somewhere* and they wont get it till 10 or 11 or whenever TOMORROW (Wednesday) if they hold true to that (ha!) it will be nearly 6 FULL DAYS since I had the problem.
6 days of not being able to drive my car (or when I had it on the donut...not above 40 mph). The kicker...they haven't said "Sorry" ONCE...not once for the tire not getting there not once for the situation they have put me in. I'm sick...I need to be saving all of my voice that I have for yelling at my kids to pick the toys up off the floor (what I'm doing as I type...hey its his fault he pulled EVERY SINGLE TOY out of the toy box...if I was a funny girl...I'd take a picture...but I'm too mad right now). I dont need to be wasting the time nor my voice on these people.
The saga continues...will I or will I NOT get a tire tomorrow? Only time will tell!
Ohhh...and ETA...the pics my husband took.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Please just stop touching me...

This morning he has climbed on me, sat on me, stole my diet dr. pepper, sat on me, stole my breakfast, stole my lunch, sat on me, climbed on me, been in the sling, hung on me.....
Seriously kid, go build a tower, go terrorize the dog...
I realize that one day I will miss the day when he's not so sweet and into his mommy, its just not that day today. All I want is a shower (we are going out to dinner with actual adults and actual adult restaurant) ....which means I need to put UP my ipod, turn on some mind numbing Sponge Bob and hope for the best.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Trick or Treat?
I always meant for this to be a CRAFTY blog...but maybe I'm not as crafty as I thought I was!!!??!?!? None the less, I have something crafty to post! Q's Halloween Costume!
Yep he was an orange Ipod...its what he wanted to be!
And how can I post without posting my handsome Superman?

And what is the trick you ask?

My fake preggo belly of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And how can I post without posting my handsome Superman?
And what is the trick you ask?
My fake preggo belly of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Officially a parent...
And not just any kind of parent...I'm one who would do rediculous things for her kids. For example, last 10:45 I left my house to drive to a movie theater (only like 10 minutes away...but still) to go buy 7 (yes you read right...SEVEN) tickets to High School Musical 3. Here's the 2 boys, myself, my sister, my friend Nichole, her daughter Hailey, and her little brother Tanner. We are taking 3 - 5 year olds and 1 - 3 year old to see a movie! Good lord I think we might be nuts!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm leaving....on a jet plane....
I'm leaving on a jet plane....dont know when i'll be back again....
Okay thats a lie. I will be back on Sunday. I'm off to LA for the Mom2Be Tradeshow. Should be a good time, I've enjoyed all the shows we've gone to. I will miss the boys (all of them) but I'm sort of looking forward to the break. Q has been a holy TERROR the last few days...and J WILL.NOT.SLEEP until like he spends like 2.5 hours going to the bathroom every 7 minutes. It is SO annoying! I say I'm looking forward...but dont worry...I'll be missing them midday Friday.
Okay thats a lie. I will be back on Sunday. I'm off to LA for the Mom2Be Tradeshow. Should be a good time, I've enjoyed all the shows we've gone to. I will miss the boys (all of them) but I'm sort of looking forward to the break. Q has been a holy TERROR the last few days...and J WILL.NOT.SLEEP until like he spends like 2.5 hours going to the bathroom every 7 minutes. It is SO annoying! I say I'm looking forward...but dont worry...I'll be missing them midday Friday.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I dont know who told him that we needed another baby....
I dont know who is feeding this boy (Quinten) with the thoughts that we need another baby...but he's convinced there's one in there (...believe me...its currently unoccupied!).
So yesterday, we went to the Indiana Hand Center to get my wrist looked at (I've had problems before-2 ganglian was bothering me, so the Husband convinced me to call and get seen-its something to do with my ulnar nerve being irritated...will update when I know more) and we were in the lobby and he is being a 3 year old boy, asking peoples names, etc. Seriously this kid needs to know everyone's name, their kids names, their brothers names, where their mom is...but he wont ask, I have to ask. After he finds out their name, he will tell them his full name. Most people are quite entertained by him needing to know all their personal information...its wearing on me.
I tell him to shush...he asks where we are (like we didnt have this discussion already)...I said "We are at Mommy's doctor" and he says VERY loudly "We are getting a baby!?!?!??" and I say no its not that kind of doctor and mommy doesnt have a baby in there...and he in such a serious little face says, "Yes you do, its baby Jesus!"
So yesterday, we went to the Indiana Hand Center to get my wrist looked at (I've had problems before-2 ganglian was bothering me, so the Husband convinced me to call and get seen-its something to do with my ulnar nerve being irritated...will update when I know more) and we were in the lobby and he is being a 3 year old boy, asking peoples names, etc. Seriously this kid needs to know everyone's name, their kids names, their brothers names, where their mom is...but he wont ask, I have to ask. After he finds out their name, he will tell them his full name. Most people are quite entertained by him needing to know all their personal information...its wearing on me.
I tell him to shush...he asks where we are (like we didnt have this discussion already)...I said "We are at Mommy's doctor" and he says VERY loudly "We are getting a baby!?!?!??" and I say no its not that kind of doctor and mommy doesnt have a baby in there...and he in such a serious little face says, "Yes you do, its baby Jesus!"
I only made him sing it 3x today...
Tonight the husband and I went and had this AWESOME dinner at The Melting was 80's night...all the staff was dressed up...the price was was awesome. We came home and Mimi had put the boys to bed...Super Q was conked out on the couch, but J was still up. I gave him hugs, kisses, and snuggles like I do every night...I assumed he'd go to sleep. Nope....that little boy was up nearly 45 mins later...he asked if he could sing me a could I resist that?
He told me that Ms. Scott (the student teacher) had been the one to teach them this song (maybe I can figure out how to video tape it and put it up on youtube--cause the little actions that go with it are priceless). It went something like this...
I'm gonna wrap myself in paper
I'm gonna dab myself with glue
Stick some stamps up on my head
I'm gonna mail myself to you
So cute...I made him sing it 3x before he went to bed. I mean seriously HOW am I expected to pass that up?!?!!!??!?!!?
He told me that Ms. Scott (the student teacher) had been the one to teach them this song (maybe I can figure out how to video tape it and put it up on youtube--cause the little actions that go with it are priceless). It went something like this...
I'm gonna wrap myself in paper
I'm gonna dab myself with glue
Stick some stamps up on my head
I'm gonna mail myself to you
So cute...I made him sing it 3x before he went to bed. I mean seriously HOW am I expected to pass that up?!?!!!??!?!!?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Spare Change...

I am participating in a swap at Chickpea Studio called Spare Change. We are sending in 24 5x5 squares to swap...I'm pretty psyched to do this cause I cant wait to make a quilt for myself. I dont make a lot of stuff for now I have to find the PERFECT fabric to send to shop!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
He went straight from a man
My first son, god bless him, is still a boy. He runs and plays, but he is still a boy-he always comes home to mama. The other one...he went straight from baby to man. Actually I'm pretty sure that he makes this change daily. Sometimes he's the sweetest little baby...and then...the man. He burps (on command no less!) and stares at girls. He doesnt listen to me...he does things just to spite me. He's 3!!!!!!! We've said a thousand times, the 2nd one is the devil...and I mean it. I never thought I'd love the devil this much.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My mom always said....
My mom always said that I should write down all the things my kids say. She says I could write a book based on that. Where would I find the time? Jackson is getting so smart that sometimes I wish those backwards funny little sayings (jack-isms) would come back. But to the rescue is Quinn...he is FULL of chubba-isms. And sometimes he's so logical. More to come...I swear.
Oh dear, long lost blog...
Dear blog,
It's not that I've FORGOTTEN you...I've just been busy. You are like an old friend...I know you are here...and willing to welcome me with open arms. I do want to talk to you every day. I promise. I will do my best.
Lovingly yours,
It's not that I've FORGOTTEN you...I've just been busy. You are like an old friend...I know you are here...and willing to welcome me with open arms. I do want to talk to you every day. I promise. I will do my best.
Lovingly yours,
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Super cute knot bag

Hi! This is my new favorite little bag! I found the link for the instructions at whipup. Its super easy to make and has gotten a TON of compliments!
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