We have been blessed with these amazing kids.
Jackson turns 7 this year (SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) he is this amazing smart little man. He is so much like his daddy (but a little like me too). He has definitely inherited our love of reading. He is about 3/4 of the way through the 2nd book in the fudge series. He started the series around Christmas time. According to his teacher there are 18 "levels" that they like the kids to be through by the end of the school year, and he is at level 17 of 18. He got straight A's for his 2nd 9 weeks of school and is doing great. We loved having him home for Christmas break, but we were ALL ready for him to go back.
Quinten is our little comedian...on his way to being a class clown once he gets to school (and may I add, that is the goal for the year...get this kid into school!) . He has this charm that is both frustrating yet it invites you in. You can't help but love this kid. They say God never gives you more than you can handle, yet sometimes...I wonder.
Calia is our sweetheart. She is very particular as we like to say, she expects to be held a specific way. And daddy can hold her one way and she is frustrated and I do the same exact thing and she is happy as a clam. She is working on sitting up without toppling over and loves to bounce. She loves for Jackson to hold her and he is really great at helping with her. Quinn makes her laugh and is her fun time go-to guy.
We could not have asked for better kids.
(Shout out to our favorite photog, Tony of MA Photography for this fab pic of all 5 of us!)